30th, 2010
Hotel Düsseldorf
Hope for Children in Need e.V. zugunsten
der Stiftung
- Bildung für Kinder in Not)

- Welcome by host
- Special Ambassador
- Dr. h. c. Ute-Henriette

- Andrea Bocelli performs
together with the young pianist Sophie Pacini
Beethoven's "Ich liebe dich".
- "In recognition
of his humanitarian commitment toward children in need,
Mr. Andrea Bocelli is hereby appointed as PATRON FOR
MUSIC at the Charity-Gala 2010 for the worldwide
Programme of the Unesco Foundation "Education for
Children in Need"

- Andrea Bocelli as well as
the other patrons Oliver Stone, Donatella Versace, Armin
Müller-Stahl Meg Ryan and Siena Miller receive the award
"Piramide con Mani" for
their social engagement for the children in need