31 Marzo, 1, 2, Aprile 2006
Firence Italia
 Teatro Communale

J’ai retrouvé avec grand plaisir le doux soleil de l’Italie, l’amabilité et l’efficacité de ses habitants, les splendeurs cachées dans les palais florentins et le coucher de soleil sur l’Arno.
Mais le but de mon voyage était avant tout de voir et d’entendre Andrea au Teatro Comunale.
Ce théâtre est de dimensions modestes et cela a été très agréable de retrouver Andrea dans cette ambiance intimiste, chez lui, dans son cadre de vie, je préfère ce genre de spectacle à celui des grandes salles sans âme.
Je ne dirai rien sur le premier morceau, je suis absolument hermétique à ce genre. Ensuite Wagner, dirigé de main de maître par Steven Mercurio. Enfin Andrea est entré en scène pour le « Canto di pace », élégant, bien coiffé, relax et détendu. Il nous a dit quelques mots sur le Pape Jean-Paul II, auteur des paroles de ce chant qu’il a interprété avec beaucoup d’émotion, repris par les chœurs, et bien que ce soit de la musique contemporaine c’était très beau.
Après l’entracte, « la Messa di Gloria » de Puccini. Le très beau Kyrie avec les violons du début, la joie du Gloria puis la partie du ténor, trop courte pour nous, mais combien belle. Il faut voir comment Andrea « vit » la musique qu’il entend, il n’a pas de partition pour suivre comme le faisait le baryton, il n’en a pas besoin, tout est dans sa tête, il connaît chaque note. Il chante, il se tourne vers les uns et les autres, il sourit quand Mercurio, emporté par la musique, saute tout en dirigeant son orchestre.
La douceur de l’ »Incarnatus est » et puis le très beau duo de l’ »Agnus Dei ».
La très belle surprise a été les  ‘encore’ , je ne m’y attendais pas et j’ai été heureuse d’entendre ces deux magnifiques duos, « au fond du temple saint »de Bizet  et celui du 4ème acte de « la Bohème » de Puccini. Le baryton Carmelo Corrado Caruso a une très belle voix et ne cherche pas à « écraser » la voix du ténor comme le font certains.
Le public, majoritairement italien, a fait une ovation aux artistes, debout, des applaudissements à n’en plus finir, destinés principalement à Andrea évidemment, j’espère qu’il aura ressenti toute  la chaleur et  l’affection que nous avons voulu lui témoigner.
Que dire de plus ? que c’était un moment merveilleux, un de ceux qu’on ne peut oublier, un moment qu’on voudrait pouvoir revivre.
by Francesca S.
English translation by Cami:
I have rediscovered, with great pleasure, the gentle sun of Italy, the kindness and efficacy of her inhabitants, the splendors hidden in the Florentine palaces and the sunset on the Arno. But the aim of my trip was, above all, to hear Andrea at the Teatro Comunale.
This theater is of modest dimensions and it was very nice to find Andrea in this intimate setting, at home, in his own environment. I prefer this type of show to that of great halls without a soul.
I will say nothing of the first piece; I am absolutely impervious to this genre. Next Wagner, directed by the master’s hand of Steven Mercurio. Finally, Andrea took the stage for the “Canto di Pace,” elegant, well coiffed, relaxed and calm. He spoke a few words to us about Pope Hohn Paul II, author of the words of this song that he interpreted with much emotion, repeated by the choirs, and although this is contemporary music, it was very beautiful.
After the intermission, the “Messa di Gloria” of Puccini. The very beautiful Kyrie with the violins at the beginning, the joy of the Gloria, then the part of the tenor, too short for us, but how beautiful! You had to see how Andrea “lives” the music that he hears, he had no score to follow as the baritone did, he had no need of it, it is all in his head, he knows every note. He sings, they turn toward one another, he smiles when Mercurio, carried away by the music, leaps while directing his orchestra. The sweetness of the “Incarnatus est” and then the very beautiful duet of the “Agnus Dei.”
The very lovely surprise was the encores, I had not expected any and I was happy to hear the two magnificent duets, “au fond du temple saint” de Bizet and the one from the fourth act of la Boheme of Puccini (“O Mimi tu più non torni”). The baritone Carmelo Corrado Caruso has a very beautiful voice and did not try to overcome the voice of the tenor as some do.
The audience, mostly Italian, gave a standing ovation to the artists, endless applause, directed principally to Andrea obviously, I hope that he would have felt all the warmth and affection that we wished to show him.
What more is there to say? That it was a marvelous moment, one of those that one cannot forget, a moment that one wishes to be able to relive.



Well , I am back home, but not yet back down to earth !

I saw the concert Saturday and Sunday. Saturday Row f to the left of the stage and on Sunday I sat in the middle on Row O. Sitting directly in front of him I felt the orchestra drowned him out on occasion, which was not the case when I sat at the side.
It was wonderful to see him sitting on the stage, obviously enjoying the music himself, as he was conducting now and again and tapping away and on occasion singing along with the choir. He did smile at Steven too a couple of times ! I was told Steven sings sometimes and perhaps that made him smile.....
The Canto di Pace was utterly beautiful, a really haunting tune, sung with such passion.
On the Saturday I was sat next to and in front of some Italian people and they were certainly impressed and the man next to me kept shouting Bravi! We got Pearlfishers as an encore and the Duet from Boheme. On Sunday there appeared to be more English speaking people and also younger people and he got a standing ovation ! Obviously not just him, the choir and orchestra were very deserving too. Pearlfishers again and The Duet again and he came back out a third time but no more singing.
I was lucky enough to get out to the back of the theatre on time and got his autograph on the programme. Veronica was there to escort him to a waiting car. On the Sunday he was out much quicker, and Carlo was there too, but I think he had to get to a tv studio as he was on RAI 1 later that evening, about 11.15, (I am assuming that was live) which I was lucky enough to catch. He sang Sancta Maria, one of my favourites. This was a programme all about John Paul 2, which I could not really follow, for obvious reasons !
I am really pleased that I have now seen him 3 times in 2 weeks, all 3 at close quarters and I have Naples to look forward too. I shall be so spoiled....
by Carolina G.

Da dove comincio?
Domenica la giornata era veramente splendida, e ancora più splendido il concerto! 

 Dopo la prima esecuzione di un brano di Bussotti e dell' "Incantesimo del venerdì santo" di Wagner, FINALMENTE "Il Canto della Pace" (scritto da Papa Woityla) CANTATO DA ANDREA , ASSOLUTAMENTE PERFETTO, anche se la musica classica moderma a me piace meno.

 Dopo c'è stata l'esecuzione della Messa di G.Puccini, per coro e solista.
Pur essendo gli interventi di ANDREA molto brevi, la sua voce era ricca di pathos e trasmetteva emozioni . 

 ANDREA ERA RILASSATO E DISINVOLTO. QUANDO NON CANTAVA, SI METTEVA SEDUTO E SEGUIVA IL TEMPO BATTENDO LA MANO, a proposito, le sue mani sono veramente tanto grandi  (quanto la sua voce).

 Anche il duetto finale è stato molto bello, ha addirittura concesso due bis de "I pescatori di perle" e della "Boheme" insieme al baritono.

 Anche mio marito, appassionato di opere, è rimasto stupito e soddisfatto; mentre mio figlia che ama un altro genere, ha detto che è bravo ma lo preferisce nella versione pop.

 Quelle due ore mi sono volate, avrei voluto non finissero mai!!!
Quando siamo usciti da Firenze, una macchina scortata dai carabinieri con le sirene ci ha superatp a tutta velocità: forse c'era lui?  Perchè la sera alle 9 era a Roma in una trasmissione commemorativa del Papa, QUINDI L'HO VISTO ANCHE IN TV!!!!
by Anele, Tuscany
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